@Jax • Joined May 2020
- 14 August 2020, 8 h 00 min-20 h 00 minMindfulness & Movement Read more...
- 25 September 2020, 19 h 00 min-21 h 30 minThis course trains you to guide others in Yoga Nidra, whilst facilitating your own transformation. Yoga Nidra is often misunderstood as merely a form of relaxation. However, this is hardly a fraction of its vast potential. Together, we will examine how Yoga Nidra can affect your brain and body, as well as the benefits you can get out of this Read more...
- 11 September 2020, 9 h 00 min-13 September 2020, 16 h 00 minTags: SPIRALE DYNAMIQUETrois journées, entre pairs et au grand air, pour (re)découvrir la SPIRALE DYNAMIQUE et les pratiques de l’ÉQUI-COACHING SYSTÉMIQUE. Read more...
- 14 September 2020, 19 h 30 min-0 h 00 minTags: Yoga coachingYoga & Coaching ! This will be a six week course held via zoom, every Monday 7:30pm – 9:30pm. I want to give YOU the tools you need to create an indestructible mindset, to identify and change self limiting beliefs, to identify areas for improvement and create a plan on how to move forward. I will teach you the coaching Read more...
- 8 September 2020, 20 h 00 min-22 h 00 minTags: Dance meditationHello Ladies! This dance meditation is specially designed to let you experience the healing power of dance. During this evening we will be working with our own energy, through dance, movement and meditation. I will guide you through a process in which we will awaken our bodies and stir up energies that are stuck inside of us. Through dancing and Read more...
- 6 February 2021, 9 h 30 min-7 February 2021, 17 h 00 minLuxembourg, spécial copines : journées bien-être et beauté à Luxembourg, Luxembourg Read more...
- En raison du confinement, ce cycle de pleine conscience prévu normalement en présentiel se donnera exceptionnellement en ligne (via la plateforme Zoom). Il sera animé par Alexandre Castanheira, instructeur certifié. Comment amener notre pratique individuelle « de notre coussin » au cœur de nos contacts quotidiens ? Nous sommes des êtres de relations et de communication. Ces relations peuvent autant Read more...
- How to be Happier – with Tal Ben-Shahar Read more...
- 15 January 2021, 13 h 30 min-14 h 30 minLive or Online?: ONLINEReduce your stress during Covid Read more...