Bruce Lipton, a cell biologist, recounts his journey that led him to the discovery of epigenetics. He explains how our minds, thoughts and beliefs can influence our genetics. He shows how we can learn how to reprogram our subconscious mind and regain conscious control over our lives.
Bruce Lipton : The power of the mind
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Vidéo Categories: Guérison alternative, ATMAWELLNESS, et DocumentaireVidéo Tags: Bruce Lipton et epigenetics
relaxation/ méditation de la respiration
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observation de la respiration afin de se reconnecter à son corps, tout en mettant le mental sur “pause”
Mindfulness Guided Meditation
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Take a moment out for yourself and focus on the breath with this guided mindfulness meditation with expert guide Deepak Chopra.
528 Hz 🎧 “I AM” Affirmations For Wealth, Health, Prosperity & Happiness
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🎧 Audio Message – FIRST 100 AFFIRMATIONS 1- I can and will have more than I ever dreamed possible 2- I feel good about money