@aurélien duliere • Inscrit depuis le mai 2020
- 31 mai 2020, 10 h 00 min-0 h 00 minMots-clés: shamanAnne-Marie Goblet, formatrice et créatrice de l’Espace Equilibre, nous fait le plaisir de venir nous proposer un atelier d’initiation au chamanisme ces 30 et 31 mai 2020 de 10 à 18h. Cet atelier vous permettra de vous initier aux voyages chamaniques qui se font au son du tambour pour découvrir les 3 mondes: -le monde d’en bas (rencontre avec les Lire la suite…
- 22 août 2020, 14 h 00 min-16 h 30 minMots-clés: éveil“It is a NEW TIME… Two new generations are helping to build a rising Consciousness… It is time to Gather together, feel the Energy… Shift the World. If you have a dream project, join with us!” – James Redfield JOIN ME as we travel on “The Celestine Prophecy — “Inspiration” Tour across the US in 2020. Something beautiful is HAPPENING… Lire la suite…
- 13 mai 2021, 15 h 00 min-16 mai 2021, 10 h 00 minThe Light of the World A Retreat in Arizona with Eckhart Tolle and Kim Eng ***May 13 – 16, 2021 + Arizona Biltmore*** Registration Fee: $1,197 USD Registration fee covers tuition only. Lodging, which includes a private daily group lunch, is paid separately through the Arizona Biltmore. —- Full retreat schedule to be announced at a later date. Lire la suite…
- 30 octobre 2020, 19 h 00 min-21 h 00 minWe are delighted to invite you to a rare and transformational evening with Eckhart Tolle. Join us for this unique opportunity to sit with Eckhart as he points you to spiritual awakening and the transformation of consciousness. With his hallmark warmth, humour and compassion, this evening will connect you with the peace and serenity that arises from living in the Lire la suite…
- 26 octobre 2020, 19 h 00 min-21 h 00 minWe are delighted to invite you to a rare and transformational evening with Eckhart Tolle. Join us for this unique opportunity to sit with Eckhart as he points you to spiritual awakening and the transformation of consciousness. With his hallmark warmth, humour and compassion, this evening will connect you with the peace and serenity that arises from living in the Lire la suite…
- 22 octobre 2020, 19 h 00 min-22 h 00 minThank you for your patience as we navigate this unprecedented situation. We have rescheduled An Evening With Eckhart Tolle to THURSDAY, OCTOBER 22, 2020. Your current tickets will be valid for the rescheduled performance. We ask that you please hold on to your tickets. Please contact your original point of purchase if you cannot make the rescheduled show and for Lire la suite…
- 18 octobre 2020, 19 h 00 min-21 h 00 minAn Evening with Eckhart Tolle at 2025 Broadway, Oakland, California 94612 Lire la suite…
- 4 octobre 2020, 10 h 00 min-9 octobre 2020, 0 h 00 minThe Depths of Being: A Retreat in Hawaii with Eckhart Tolle and Kim Eng October 4–9, 2020 Wailea Beach Resort | Maui, Hawaii REGISTER TODAY! This event will sell out >> The Depths of Being is a spiritual retreat like no other. Over the span of six days, Eckhart and Kim will share insights into the “Deep I” through Lire la suite…
- 18 juin 2020, 19 h 00 min-20 h 30 minLa relaxation par la Sophrologie se fait dans le cadre d’atelier en groupe (maximum 10 personnes) Le programme d’environ 10 séances,consiste en des entraînements évolutifs de différentes techniques et méthodes de détente visant un bien-être physique et mental. Il est important de suivre chaque étape du programme qui est fourni est à titre indicatif et peut évoluer avec les besoins Lire la suite…