BE UNSHAKEABLE – Ultimate Stoic Quotes Compilation
Powerful wisdom from Marcus Aurelius, Seneca and Epictetus Performed by Chris Lines
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Video Categories: Alternative Healing and Positive AffirmationsVideo Tags: healing, life coaching, and Louise L. Hay
Powerful wisdom from Marcus Aurelius, Seneca and Epictetus Performed by Chris Lines
Tamara Levitt guides this 10 minute Daily Calm mindfulness meditation to powerfully restore and re-connect with the present.
En réalité, le corps énergétique va à l’intérieur du corps physique, et il rayonne aussi à l’extérieur (c’est l’aura) je décris tout cela dans mon
Day 8 | The Law of Pure Potentiality The centering thought for this meditation is: Through the law of pure potentiality I can create anything,